Sunday 17 February 2013

Bundle of Possibilities.....

Ola! I hope that this letter will go beyond your eyes and thoughts, to find a place somewhere in your heart. Its purpose is to be a reminder of how special, unique, powerful, smart, & beautiful you are. I complied this letter with different paragraph with similar but different subjects, as time goes & you read through it, find your own meaning and understanding to it.

I believe that no one successful has simply made it without experiencing defeat, failure, disappointments and frustrations galore along their way. Learning to overcome these times separates the winners from the losers. My advice to you is; be more determined to separate yourself from the losers, if your experiencing difficult times, then you on the right track.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is nothing but a rough draft, not a final draft. Even great architectures have to fail 2/3 drafts before the successful final draft. So whenever you may dare and fail, just view it as a rough draft in the process leading you to the final and best draft. Remember “failure is nothing but an opportunity to start again, but in a much smarter way”. Fear not to make mistakes, just make sure that you turn them into lessons.

People talk a lot, even I do, and honestly talk is cheap! Which is exactly why we can all do it. The champion is the one whom simply shuts his mouth and smartly acts upon his thoughts with no waste of time and lets his work do the talking. Be that champ, stop talking so much, it’s really boring us already and get up, get the work done and let it talk on your behave.

As you grow older, you’ll realise that there are few people whom you can place your trust in, just make sure to never be one of them. Have integrity and be true all the time no matter what. Never give anyone a cause to say you did not tell the truth. “Trust is like a thin thread, once you break it, it is almost impossible to put it together again”

The more we are able to achieve something, the more self-confident we become. Then, the more self-confident we become, the more we are able to achieve. The reverse can happen if we fail to meet our goals. Keep in mind that Confidence doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes from a result of something; hours, days, weeks, and years of constant work and dedications. So keep working on whatever dream you have, the confidence will grow from your work. Don’t ever let yourself be intimidated by anyone or even anything for whatever reason! Stand strong to what you believe, most especially if it is the right thing to do.

Life is tough out here, and heartless people make it even worse with all the pains and let downs they’ll throw at ya. Find yourself a religion or culture that will centre you and help you not deform the beautiful and fruitful soul that you have. Though everyone wants to be happy, not everyone ends up happy... and unfortunately most people give other people or things the responsibility over their happiness and sadly the results are never what they want it to be. Some people spend their life searching for happiness, while others create it; it’s your choice to do what seem easier to do, I choose to create it.

There will come a time in life when you realise that no one, no teacher, friend, stranger, family and even your parents owes you anything in life. If you want your life to be a success, then you owe it all to yourself. "Life is like a movie, pick your own role, climb your own ladder or dig your own hole. Sitting around crying is like sitting around dying.". All the cards are in your own hands, the decisions that you make and the cards that you play are all yours. Regardless of the circumstances that you may find yourself in, be stubborn, have tenacity and be resilient, never give up and fight until the end, you are destined to be a winner and that’s what winners do, they only settle only for a win, nothing less.

Allow yourself have a Vision & go BIG. If your dream is does not scare you, then it’s probably not big enough! Let your dream be the director of your life, not your friends, family, teacher, celebs or strangers with their opinions & conclusions. You have a higher purpose in life, with many bundles of possibilities waiting to be unwrapped, & it’s all up to you... the choices you make daily will either bring you closer or further from/to achieving your goals. Think about it...

Be humble, respectful, trustful, loving and true, it will all be worth the effort in due time, try and invest in it.

Whenever things seem to be tough and impossible to you, read this letter and let it uplift your spirit, to inspire you to stand up, to be stronger and fight again. You are a bundle of possibilities indeed.

Yours sincerely,   Loving you and to your success ....

Thabo Afitlhile

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